
Hey! I’m Brooks Modesitt, and this is my site, randomodbuild. Here, I share some of the projects I have worked on, some completely different and unrelated to the next, hence the name “randomodbuild”. The “random” part in the name explains how the topic of each project can vary from the next. The “mod” part in the name explains that I like to modify things. And the “build” part in the name explains that I like to build things. I came up with this name when I was 11 years old and wanted to be YouTube famous, and decided to keep it because, why not?

I’m currently a student. I love to tinker with, build, and modify things. My interests vary considerably with time, but include computers and technology (recently decentralized tech incl. crypto, nostr, and p2p networks), RC, woodworking, 3D printing/laser cutting, and just making things in general. I enjoy learning new things and sharing what I’ve learned with others, which is the primary function of this website.